Наши контакты

Украина, г. Черкассы, ул. Смелянская, 127-в


(0472) 63-26-43
(0472) 63-34-48
(0472) 63-34-48
(0472) 63-95-97




Как часто вы покупаете запчасти?

Очень часто - 15.8%
Чаще чем хотелось бы - 21.3%
По необходимости - 28.1%
Очень редко - 30.8%
Не покупаю - 4%

Проголосовали: 253
Голосование для этого опроса закончилось on: 27 Июнь 2014

  Septic tank Unilos SlavAqua: effective cleaning in action


The lack of a centralized sewerage system is a serious inconvenience for residents of the private sector, owners of private houses, summer cottages, cottages. The SlavAkva company is ready to help! The modern septic tank UNILOS Astra, designed for a family of five, will provide amenities no different from those of a city apartment.

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By purchasing a septic tank UNILOS Astra, a Cherkassy client buys a truly effective water purification system, similar to the systems of a specialized water treatment plant. Purification begins in a section called "aerotank". During preliminary purification, ammonium is removed. Then, under the action of microorganisms and in the presence of oxygen, nitrates, nitrites and phosphates are removed. Oxygen increases the rate of decomposition reactions and is necessary for the vital activity of microorganisms. At the final stage, microorganisms and water pollutants settle to the bottom, and clean water, completely odorless, can be reused. Water purification reaches 98%.

To ensure such impressive results, the UNILOS Astra septic tank consumes a small amount of resources, namely 60 watts per hour or 1.44 kilowatts per day. The unit can process up to 1 m3 of wastewater per day, and the maximum one-time discharge is 250 liters.

It should also be noted that the unit is not very demanding in terms of maintenance. Once a quarter, a visual inspection should be carried out, which can be done by a non-specialist, and once a year, the sludge should be pumped out and the filter element should be cleaned.

 The Ukrainian company SlavAqua is ready not only to sell the UNILOS Astra septic tank, but also to provide a loan if necessary, to take on all issues related to the installation of the system, and is also ready to provide its high-quality service. The company's specialists are happy to answer all questions of interest to the client.
The company is ready for mutually beneficial cooperation and establishing partnerships with all customers.


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